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Redirecting a user to a site a…
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Last modified on 1/14/2014 1:58 PM by User.


Redirecting a user to a site after finishing their survey

On the Measure >> Options >> Navigation screen, enter a URL of the site you wish to redirect a user to.

You can also use Comparion variables to pass information to this external site.  The following example, will pass the variables useremail  and username to the URL parameters (defined and used by the external site) paramterA and parameterB.


This following variables are available:

Variable Description
%%appname%% Application name
%%useremail%% E-mail
%%username%% Participant name
%%userpsw%% Password
%%prjname%% Project name
%%prjpasscode%% Access code
%%meeting_id%% Meeting ID
%%url_app%% Application URL
%%url_login%% Logon URL
%%url_evaluate%% Evaluate this project URL
%%url_ttevaluate%% Join TeamTime session URL
%%url_meetingid%% Evaluate this project URL by Meeting ID
%%url_evaluate_anonym%% Evaluate this project URL for anonymous
%%url_evaluate_signup%% Evaluate this project URL with user signup
%%url_evaluate_signup_e%% Evaluate this project URL with ask E-mail only
%%url_evaluate_signup_ep%% Evaluate this project URL with ask user name only
%%url_evaluate_signup_n%% Evaluate this project URL with ask E-mail and password
%%serviceemail%% Customer service
%%ownername%% Your name
%%owneremail%% Your e-mail